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Paracetamol does not help back pain.

This morning the results of a study on the effects of paracetamol on lower back pain were finally released.  It is of no surprise to me it has been found to be ineffective.  Even if a pain killer does help your pain, it isn't solving the cause of your lower back pain.  After years of nagging my patients it was so good to hear a GP on BBC news talk about the benefits of treatments like Osteopathy and the importance of excercise to help cure and avoid back problems.  

So to all my patients I have been nagging to get excerising and take up stretching and strengthening classes like yoga and pilates.... You've heard it from the Doctors too now! 

Now is the perfect time to check out @ellaandfleurhotyoga or contact me about any worries and questions you may have about what to do next for your specific case of back pain if pain killers won't help


Or click to read this BBC review: 

Paracetamol ‘no good for back pain'


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